What Works

The CDC and The Joint Commission report that the following best practices have been successful in increasing healthcare employee vaccination rates.

  • Employer covers cost of program
  • Employees not vaccinated must sign a declination form and wear a mask while caring for patients or being in close proximity of patients (3 feet) during the flu season
  • Expand program to include employees’ families
  • Hold clinics on multiple days
  • Offer vaccine during expanded hours, off-site, weekends and off-hour sessions
  • Use rolling carts to deliver vaccine to those unable to attend clinics
  • Departments with low compliance are visited to improve rates

In addition, the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology, the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology Inc. and the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases also support the use of multi-faceted programs that include the elements above.

Employee Communication >>


Flufighters Sm

The Be a Flu Fighter guide provides information on the best practices used for vaccinating healthcare workers against influenza as well as links to additional resources, forms and examples of employee communication methods. Download Now >>