Unemployment Claims Management

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Protecting healthcare organizations from excessive unemployment costs is Unemployment Claims Management's forte — For more than a decade, UCM has conclusively won nine out of every 10 unemployment claims hearings for New Jersey hospitals. 

UCM's dedicated professionals have comprehensive knowledge of the healthcare industry and unemployment law.   Your hospital can have expert representation at unemployment hearings with skillful negotiation through the many obstacles that can arise along the way.

Program Highlights

  • Maintains a track record of a 90+ percent rate of favorable decisions for the employer
  • Offers more than 80 years of collective staff experience
  • Concentrates solely on healthcare cases
  • Advocates on behalf of New Jersey hospitals' interests in the Legislature
  • Offers prehearing counseling to employers
  • Monitors claims
  • Provides expert representation at unemployment hearings
  • Manages a trust fund that provides a cost-effective method of financing your unemployment expenses

UCM offers its services to participants in the NJHA Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund as well as on a fee-for-service basis.


Icn Adobe 2024 BENEFIT RATES

Newly released 2024 maximum benefit amounts, taxable wages and earning requirements for New Jersey Unemployment Compensation, State Temporary Disability, Family Leave and Workers’ Compensation Programs.

Click here to view PCM Benefit Rates 2024 rates >>

Decision Digest - May 2024

Decision Digest - April 2024

Decision Digest - January 2024

Decision Digest - October 2023

Decison Digest - July 2023

Decision Digest - April 2023


Unemployment Claims Management Information

Kathleen Henry
Assistant Director, Unemployment Claims Management