Nov. 01, 2016: NJHA, NJBIA Offering Webinar on Multigenerational Workforce

New Jersey Business and Industry Association (NJBIA) in partnership with NJHA, is hosting a webinar, Diversity for the Ages: Challenges of a Multigenerational Workforce, Nov. 9 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Workplaces have always had multiple generations working side by side. There's the fresh-faced younger generation of newcomers, the established middle generation that holds most of the management roles and the older generation of senior executives who are 30 or 40 years into their careers. Each of these distinct age groups comes with their own generational differences, which can cause some friction among colleagues and bosses.

Never before have so many different generations been employed together as now. This webinar will focus on the ways employers should strategically position their work environments to use their age-diverse workforce to their best advantage.

Registration is now open for this useful presentation.