Mar. 07, 2017: DOH Announces Switch to New Discharge Data Intermediary

All patient discharge data collection will be switched to a new intermediary, according to an announcement from the New Jersey Department of Health. A letter was issued to all hospital CEOs, CFOs and project sponsors from Abate Mammo, executive director of healthcare quality and informatics for the DOH, stating there will be a switch from the existing contractor Nuance Communications, Inc. to new intermediary Public Consulting Group (PCG).

This notification stated that until PCG’s Systems are operational and all the required training of hospital users is complete, Nuance Communications will continue to perform the data intermediary function on behalf of DOH.

DOH also announced that PCG will provide training sessions for the new data collection system in the north, central and south regions of the state. Training dates will be announced once PGC finalizes their system implementation plans.

PCG is seeking volunteers who are willing to serve as advisors and contributors to the transition process. If your organization is interested in volunteering or has project-related questions, please contact Steven Wang, at 512-407-9680 ext. 4702 or

NJHA has agreed to work with PCG and DOH to support this important transition effort.